Tomasz Skutnik
2004-03-21 21:36:47 UTC
I was wandering what is the license of nanning. Sure, there is
LICENSE.txt, which is BSD-compatible, however quick 'grep -r -i gpl
src/' reveals 58 source files distributable under LGPL. It would be nice
to have this issue resolved before 1.0 release - make it one way or the
other, but not both!.
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LICENSE.txt, which is BSD-compatible, however quick 'grep -r -i gpl
src/' reveals 58 source files distributable under LGPL. It would be nice
to have this issue resolved before 1.0 release - make it one way or the
other, but not both!.
This SF.Net email is sponsored by: IBM Linux Tutorials
Free Linux tutorial presented by Daniel Robbins, President and CEO of
GenToo technologies. Learn everything from fundamentals to system